Category: Development

What Is 508 Compliance?

In the world of websites, 508 Compliance is being brought up more and more often. Being 508 compliant must be a new thing, right? A new law must have passed that is spurring on this push? Actually, the beginnings of this law stem all the way back to Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of […]

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The Future of Web Development: 2022 Trends and Beyond

The lack of planning and scheduling security and upgrade audits is one of the most significant issues we see come into the Iron Quality department. These are very important, not only for the overall maintenance, but the well being of the site over time. During this process, we go in and update security-related settings on the site and server, review any plugin updates and WordPress version updates to ensure there are no conflicts, and take steps to improve the overall page load times.

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Are Third Party Cookies
Going Away?

The lack of planning and scheduling security and upgrade audits is one of the most significant issues we see come into the Iron Quality department. These are very important, not only for the overall maintenance, but the well being of the site over time. During this process, we go in and update security-related settings on the site and server, review any plugin updates and WordPress version updates to ensure there are no conflicts, and take steps to improve the overall page load times.

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How to
Maintain a Website

The lack of planning and scheduling security and upgrade audits is one of the most significant issues we see come into the Iron Quality department. These are very important, not only for the overall maintenance, but the well being of the site over time. During this process, we go in and update security-related settings on the site and server, review any plugin updates and WordPress version updates to ensure there are no conflicts, and take steps to improve the overall page load times.

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Time for your business to head back to the drawing board? The act of rebranding, or changing the image or message of an organization to promote growth, can be a good idea for many reasons. No matter how big or small the actions you choose to take to implement a “rebranding” are, it’s crucial to have a clear strategy in mind to empower the initiative as a whole. Check out our ideas for a successful rebranding campaign along with a few examples of companies who truly hit the mark.

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A How-To Guide on Integrating Greenhouse to WordPress

Ironistic's Greenhouse Plugin is Here! Installing and configuring the new Iron gForce Plugin to enable your Greenhouse Integration is a straightforward and simple process. Most of these instructions are included within the plugin settings, but some additional information or context will be provided here as well.

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Technical SEO for Developers

If you’ve taken the time to browse some of the innovative services that Ironistic has to offer, then you know we’re your one-stop-shop for all things digital. Our team has a wide range of specialties including everything from expert Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to website design and development. While our employees spend plenty of time […]

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Squarespace vs. WordPress for Credit Union Websites

As a credit union, your website is usually the first thing potential members will see when they’re looking for financing options. This website experience can win or lose the trust of your community internally and externally. Time and time again, we’ve heard frustrations coming from all sides of the credit union in regards to the […]

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