Ok, this might be a little premature, but we’re going to see the integration of virtual worlds and websites… soon! We’re not quite at the Oasis / Metaverse level yet, but COVID has accelerated the process. A tool like Gather.Town creates a scenario where we can interact (shop, network, conduct business) in an entirely new way. Consider shopping. It used to be two choices — shop with your friends by going to the store in person together, or shop by yourself through a store’s website. Why not merge those worlds and shop together virtually through Gather.Town? Looking for more evidence that this is on the horizon? Look at Facebook’s investment of, well, Horizon workspaces. Virtual reality is finally becoming a true option. On the new Ironistic website’s Contact Us page, we invite people to visit us in our virtual Gather offices already. This blending of websites (content and functionality) and virtual platforms (real-life engagement and interaction) will increase significantly in 2022 even as COVID fears and restrictions diminish.
– Chris Foss, Co-Founder & President
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