Are Third Party Cookies
Going Away?

Iron Insights

Say hello to the future of marketing! Google announced they will be phasing out third-party cookies, so what does that mean for us marketers?

Ironistic is here to help you prepare for the death of third-party cookies and discover new tactics to implement into your future marketing strategies.


Prepare for What’s to Come.

Yes, third-party cookies will soon be phased out in Chrome and have already been eliminated for Safari and Firefox. As a consumer, I was actually pretty fond of getting relevant advertising and will be sad to see that go. For example, when I was an expecting new parent, I was bombarded with baby products based on search history and I actually purchased some things that I loved and wouldn’t have known about otherwise. Understandably though, users are paranoid about their privacy online.

For businesses and advertisers that relied heavily on this type of targeting, it could be worrisome. Luckily, first-party cookies will still be in play, which allows for targeting people that have already visited your website. You’ll also be able to continue with targeted Google ads using their first-party cookies. The biggest hit will come to businesses that relied heavily on third-party advertising platform targeting as part of their strategy. In order to prepare, take a good look at your advertising strategy and start considering alternatives if needed.

The Ironistic Team

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A Shift in the Right Direction.

There are a lot of ideas and thoughts about how the third-party cookie changes with Google will change the short and long term. Overall though, if your goal is tracking your website visitors’ behavior, preferences, and basic demographics only while on your site, there won’t be a major impact there.

The extra data that third-party cookies need to function will have more of an impact on pop-up ads and other online advertising. This is something that was seen to change a lot with the beginning of the GDPR rules in the EU and how implicit opt-in can cause inaccurately low numbers. At the end of the day, this is a good thing for user privacy and will lead to further advances and innovation in marketing tactics.

– Josh Hall, Development Manager

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There Are Other Cookies in the Cookie Jar.

Third-Party Cookies can be kissed goodbye. Google plans to get rid of tracking third-party cookies by 2023, which means tracking target audiences and finding accurate data is going to be made more difficult for digital marketers that rely on third-party users. However, we will survive! Email marketing software may become the best new thing to track data for advertising and publishers. Not all cookies are going away and Google is making an effort to protect individuals’ privacy so that just means more innovative marketing strategies to come in the future!

– Ava Ashby, Marketing Project Manager

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Work With Your Web Devs to Implement First-Party Cookies.

For the longest time, website cookies have been a threat to user privacy. Google has announced that in 2023 they will be phasing out Third-Party Cookies, so they will eventually be going away, but not for another year. With the phase-out, marketers will have to try a new approach. Not all cookies will be going away but web developers will need to start moving over to 1st party cookies on the site for a more secure solution that offers a higher level of privacy.

– David Shayne, Front End Developer

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Explore Targeted Advertising Alternatives.

All signs point to yes with the crackdown on privacy, but certain actions will still be tracked. We will have to find alternatives to track information outside of the pop-ups and explore contextual advertising that places PPC ads according to the relevancy of the keywords.

– The Ironistic Team

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