Prepare for What’s to Come.
Yes, third-party cookies will soon be phased out in Chrome and have already been eliminated for Safari and Firefox. As a consumer, I was actually pretty fond of getting relevant advertising and will be sad to see that go. For example, when I was an expecting new parent, I was bombarded with baby products based on search history and I actually purchased some things that I loved and wouldn’t have known about otherwise. Understandably though, users are paranoid about their privacy online.
For businesses and advertisers that relied heavily on this type of targeting, it could be worrisome. Luckily, first-party cookies will still be in play, which allows for targeting people that have already visited your website. You’ll also be able to continue with targeted Google ads using their first-party cookies. The biggest hit will come to businesses that relied heavily on third-party advertising platform targeting as part of their strategy. In order to prepare, take a good look at your advertising strategy and start considering alternatives if needed.
– The Ironistic Team
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