CTA Best Practices

Iron Insights

How to Best Optimize Your Calls-to-Action

Strong content on your organization’s website is the first step to informing users of who you are, what you do, and how your business can provide a product or service that targets the reader’s needs. But let’s be honest — the end goal of creating content on your site should be about converting visitors. With optimized Calls-to-Action, just a handful of words can influence the user’s commitment to your business. Read on for a few best practices when optimizing your CTAs.

Propose a need.

Give your user a clear and direct Call-to-Action. Users sometimes need to be “told” what to do on a website. Let’s say they are on your homepage, and you want to direct users to the page about your solutions/capabilities/services. Alongside supporting copy explaining your “why”, send users to your “how” with a simple/clean CTA like “View Our Products” (or some variation of that). At the end of the day, be clear, be direct, and don’t let your users find things on their own. Give them breadcrumbs. Yummy!

– Kelsey LaCourse, Project Manager

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Be clear and concise.

Use a strong command verb to start your CTA. It’s all about being clear and concise with your CTA. Use words that provoke emotion or enthusiasm. Give your audience a reason why they should take the desired action. Don’t be afraid to get a little creative and catchy. Use buttons instead of text. Try bold or animated buttons to get your users’ attention.

– The Ironistic Team

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Short and to the point!

Keep it short and to the point, make it feel urgent, make it personal and make it pretty!

– The Ironistic Team

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Clear Call-to-Actions.

Get to the point! Make your Calls-to-Action clear and as short as possible.

– The Ironistic Team

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Make sure they are eye-catching!

You ever get tired of seeing the same old, same old? You know… “Click Here”, “Learn More”, etc. I know I do. When it comes to optimizing your CTAs, make sure they are eye-catching, but to the point. CTAs shouldn’t be too long. Put yourself in your customers’ shoes – what would they want to see? What will get your users’ attention? If you’re struggling with your CTAs and want to generate more leads, give our team a shout!

– The Ironistic Team

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decorative Creative Manager

Add some spice!

Make them actionable! “Learn More” or “Click Here” aren’t very engaging and easy to gloss over. If you want your user to take action, tell them so in your Call-to-Action. If you want them to contact you, try “Let’s Talk”. If you want them to learn more about your service, you can use “Why Service” or “Choose Service”. Even using the word “Explore” is more engaging than “Learn More”.

– Sylvia Foerster, Creative Manager

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Reflect on language that has a high conversion rate.

On top of using the right language, colors, and imagery, you should also be tracking your important Calls-to-Action to see how effective each one is. You can use Google Tag Manager to set up event tracking on specific buttons to see where your visitors are clicking and then focus your attention on certain areas of your site that are doing better than others.

– David Shayne, Front End Developer

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Lead your user.

Calls-to-Action should be clear and concise. Actions like “Register Now”, “Contact Us”, “Get an Estimate”, and “Request a Demo” work best for lead generation campaigns. Make sure you have ONE clear Call-to-Action that’s visible and consistent across your landing page or website. The user needs to know exactly what they should do next and WHY.

– The Ironistic Team

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Keep them concise!

Carry your main Calls-to-Action throughout your site. Consider carefully the purpose of your site and what you need your audience to do. Contact? Shop? Ask for an Estimate? Follow Social Media? If you need help don’t hesitate to ask! We love this stuff!

– The Ironistic Team

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decorative Sr. Marketing Strategist

Provide actionable items.

What are your goals? What story do you want to tell? Make sure that as a user clicks through any page within your website, you’re providing actionable items that make sense and would convert that user into a customer.

– Sarah Kelley Engeset, Sr. Digital Strategist

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Pay attention.

Pay special attention to how eye-catching things are. There’s a flow to how people read a section of a website, and you want that person’s eye to stop on the right things. Make sure you are leading their eyes to the items that you want them to take notice of!

– Brandon Vreeman, Front End Developer

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