Meet Our Client
Strategic Communications Group (SCG) is a B2B marketing agency that uses content to connect engagement to demand. Strategic manages six “communities” that publish content sourced from sponsors, developed in a quasi-journalistic style. When content is published, SCG promotes it on social channels to drive engagement and then uses the insight generated by the published content to create sales and marketing intelligence for their sponsors.
Currently, SCG only accepts content from paying sponsors. These sponsors can access a current portal. However, this project is the foundation of a new strategy for SCG, where they will be moving to a “freemium” model, accepting content from non-sponsors, and selling access to the portal and analytics regardless of sponsorship status.

Their Objectives
Strategic Communications Group wanted a new portal that would allow them to roll out their new “freemium” model to users, which would then allow them to expand their sponsorship base and add a new revenue stream. It was vital to SCG that this new portal system, called Content+Insights, was easy to navigate for both users and SCG’s internal team. Secondarily, SCG wanted to see an increase in users submitting content through a thoughtful and easy-to-follow submission process.

Ironistic's Solution
Ironistic understood SCG’s goals and was ready to create an amazing, custom portal for this project. The portal was created with a Bridge theme for the front end-user experience. The site seamlessly integrates with Zoho (a CRM and analytics tool) so user roles and functionality are seamless across both systems. Ironistic also created custom reports, user management, and payment processing for their users. The Content+Insights portal is robust and ready for this new venture for SCG.

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