Meet Our Client
Joe Abusamra has been named one of Washington, D.C.’s top CMOs and marketing leaders, and his portfolio of expertise in the worlds of product and corporate marketing can certainly back this accolade up. Joe’s experience in the B2B, B2G, and B2C markets needed somewhere to live to demonstrate his expertise — and the end product is joeabusamra.com

Their Objectives
Joe needed a site to showcase his expertise, portfolio, and publications he’s authored or contributed to so that he could include his very own interactive resume on job applications.

Ironistic's Solution
Ironistic partnered with Joe to create a clean and polished one-page site to showcase Joe’s background and skills and include a contact form for more information. Here, visitors can check out his knowledge in marketing within different industries and reach out to inquire more about his expertise. Since the build, Joe has been able to use this great site to highlight his accomplishments when submitting job applications.

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