What Are Some White Hat SEO Techniques?
So, now that you have a little insight into how Google analyzes web pages and content, what are some white hat SEO practices you can adopt and adapt into your digital marketing and website development endeavors? Here are five techniques that should become second nature:
Easy Navigation
A site that is easy for users to find the information, products, and services that they need will perform better in search rankings. Building an intuitive architecture that sets up a frustration-free roadmap for visitors to follow will result in better user experience, longer browsing time on site, better SEO results, and, hopefully, more goal conversions.
Fast-Loading Pages
For those of us who grew up in the 90s, we still remember learning the art of patience as we endured long connecting, uploading, and downloading times. Yes, hearing those familiar AOL dial-up sounds can trigger fond(less) memories of staring at little blue boxes and a tiny yellow guy sluggishly running toward the finish line of the world wide web.
Not anymore.
Today, we expect page-loading times to be near instantaneous. And a website with pages that do not load in about three seconds or less can see their site visitors skip out and, worse, shop the competition.
If you have pages that are not speedily delivering content, you need to address this issue immediately. There are several reasons why a page might be dragging its feet, and they’re all fairly easy to fix with a little professional help.
Mobile Friendliness
In a relatively short amount of time, smartphones and tablets have become ingrained into our daily lives. Every year the percentage of people using mobile for business and searches increases. In 2022, almost 61% of website traffic came from mobile phones. In addition, about “50% of B2B inquiries” came from mobile devices. It’s absolutely critical that organizations ensure their digital platforms are 100% mobile-friendly.
Giving users a great experience on every page of your website on all types of devices will not only improve goal conversions but will support your SEO goals. In reverse, not prioritizing mobile optimization will negatively impact UX, SEO rankings, and, ultimately, your bottom line.
Perfect Your Metadata
Metadata is an easy but essential white SEO tactic you can implement to improve rankings. Updating the metadata for each of your pages with specific, SEO-focused content can improve search engine results and draw more users to your site.
What is metadata? When you enter a search query and your browser returns results, the information you see is referred to as metadata and includes a meta title (or title tag) and a meta description.
The meta title is the first line of text you see that usually gives you the topic of the page or the title of an article as well as the organization providing the content. It will also appear in the browser tab. It might look something like: Integrated Digital Marketing Services | Ironistic.
The meta description, then, is the text you read below the meta title. It acts as a brief summary and tells you a little bit about the page.
Carefully crafting meta titles and descriptions within suggested, search engine guidelines and using white hat SEO techniques can boost your rankings. In addition, ensuring that users can clearly discern what your page is about and how it can serve them will improve your click-through rate.
Quality, SEO-Rich Content
The holy grail of white hat SEO is creating high-quality content. Content goes beyond the written word and includes videos, images, headers, and style. You must create content that answers the users’ wants and needs. Build pages that make it easy for visitors to find and digest the information they are seeking, pages that are engaging and dynamic.
Yes, website content should be optimized with relevant keywords in all the right places, but without focusing on delivering a great experience, solution, product, or service to the user, keyword optimization will only go so far.
Keywords are still key, but content is king.
Focus on writing great content that serves its purpose and present it in a user-friendly, inviting, captivating way. Then use white hat SEO keyword optimization as the cherry on top. When you settle on the best keyword phrase for your page, make sure that you implement it within your metadata as well.
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