Social Media Tips for Government Contractors

Iron Insights

For government contractors, their social media strategy is not the same as that of most brick and mortar businesses. Shining a light on company culture and highlighting camaraderie are certainly main priorities. Here are a few of our tips for government contractors to help showcase all of the wonderful things that their agencies have to offer via social media.

Focus on thought leadership.

Government contractors have an opportunity to showcase their thought leadership through various social media platforms to help them stand out amongst the competition. When it comes time for reviewing proposals, a strong social media presence showcasing your team as industry experts will help prove your value as agencies make their decisions. Stay top-of-mind to key decision-makers by updating your social media regularly with helpful information.

– The Ironistic Team

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Research your key audience.

It is so important to have a good social media presence no matter what business you are in. Managing multiple platforms to reach your audience is key, as well as providing relevant content that is of interest to your clients. Sharing resources with other contractors can be beneficial for all of you and may attract more followers to your accounts as well as build camaraderie amongst other contractors.

– The Ironistic Team

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Show off your team.

For most of our government contractors, their top priority on social media is to highlight their company culture and to attract new talent.  This can be achieved in a couple of different ways. For platforms like Facebook or Instagram, focus on the company culture pieces by highlighting your current staff, team celebrations, awards, community engagement, etc. For platforms like LinkedIn, focus more on your thought leadership pieces and case studies. This shows potential employees the type of work and level of quality that you represent. And then encourage them to join you!

– Chris Foss, Co-Founder & President

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