Ironistic Launches Iron gForce: A Greenhouse WordPress Plugin

Instantly Integrates WordPress Websites with Greenhouse Platform for Seamless User Experience and Enhanced SEO

Award-winning full-service digital agency Ironistic has announced the official launch of their Greenhouse WordPress plugin — Iron gForce — allowing clients to quickly and easily integrate their WordPress-hosted websites with the talent acquisition platform.

A Simpler Way to Recruit and Hire

A common pain point for hiring managers and potential applicants is the disjointed user experience when job positions and applications aren’t fully integrated into a corporate website. With Iron gForce, custom job boards styled according to the client’s specific preferences are made available directly on the client’s WordPress-based website. In addition, businesses now have the potential to enhance their Search Engine Optimization due to the fact that content will be included within website landing pages, rather than an outsourced careers website.

“As a long-time Greenhouse partner, Ironistic provides integration services for a variety of WordPress and non-WordPress websites,” claimed Ironsitic President Chris Foss. “With the introduction of Iron gForce plugin, we empowered clients to bypass the heavy development phase and integrate Greenhouse with their WordPress website almost instantly.”

Key Benefits

  • Hands-off integration: We’re happy to set up Iron gForce on our end and make it readily available for usage — all within a matter of hours
  • Automatic Data Synchronization: Published jobs are automatically synchronized between your website and, via customizable scheduling.
  • Stronger Search Engine Optimization (SEO): With job descriptions and applications all displayed directly within your website, users will have a seamless experience while maintaining brand consistency
  • Extensive source/referral tracking capabilities
  • Personalized support from Ironistic’s development team: Integration is all in-house!
  • Fully up-to-date plugin capabilities: Iron gForce has been tested to work with the most recent versions of WordPress
  • Ease of use on both ends: Let the application and reviewing processes begin!

The Iron gForce Greenhouse plugin is available immediately with a price of $395/year.

Read the full press release here.


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