The Importance of Content Writing Services for Businesses

If something gave you 67% more leads than your competition, would you do it? Of course, you would. Well, that’s what content writing – like blogs – can do for your business. While we are, obviously, a digital services company writing about a digital marketing service we provide, we promise we’ll give you some very good reasons why professional content writing services are worth your attention – and our time.

content writing services in the realm of content marketing

What Is Content Marketing?

First, let’s start with the broader topic of content marketing. Content marketing covers everything from newsletters, emails, blogs, whitepapers, social media posts, online ads, and even images and videos.

Did You Know?
Content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing (Demand Metric)

The whole purpose of content marketing is to raise an organization’s profile and build its brand. You can’t just launch a website, walk away, and hope that everything works out. No, you need an actual digital strategy to enhance your image, sell your services or products, and increase public interest and user engagement.

All these things working together in unison give a company a solid platform, a clear and singular voice, and a competitive advantage over other businesses without a well-thought-out marketing strategy – or any plan at all.

Did You Know?
Content marketing generates 3x as many leads per dollar spent (Demand Metric)

The Importance of Content Writing Services for Businesses

The world lives and thrives on the internet. Organizations must optimize their online platform or risk becoming irrelevant. In fact, if you’re a local company, did you know that 97% of people look up local businesses online? It takes some solid digital marketing to keep up with the competition.

Good content writing can improve your reputation and build consumer trust. It can increase brand recognition and loyalty, generate leads, and increase direct sales.

More facts about content: 

  • 70% of people would rather learn about a business or organization by reading a blog – rather than seeing an advertisement.
  • 60% of people will seek out a product after reading content about it.
  • 80% of people appreciate learning about a company through custom content.

But content writing is more than just your standard blog page. Content writing services involve social media posts, GMB (Google My Business) posts, video descriptions, online ads (Google, LinkedIn, Meta, etc.), newsletters, whitepapers, product guides, product descriptions, PR pieces, landing pages, and email marketing. Phew!

If that wasn’t enough, content writing is also understanding the nitty-gritty of search engine optimization (SEO). A writer must first write compelling content for a company’s target audiences and then write and optimize for those elusive search engine gods.

hiring an agency for content writing servicesProfessional content writing requires: 

  • Diligent research 
  • Original copy and text that aligns with the organization’s brand and tone
  • Writing in a way that makes the final product easy to read
  • Careful proofreading
  • Fact-checking (especially in the case of pieces like blogs or whitepapers).

Content writing, then, is both a creative and technical enterprise with many facets and lots and lots of marketing options for the business to consider. That’s why content writing services are so helpful and valuable.

The Perks of Professional Content Writing Services

  • Good writing will engage your users whereas bad, unfocused, generic, or error-ridden content will drive them away.
  • Content writing services cover many different marketing tactics. Having a professional team experienced in these disciplines can ensure effective strategy and messaging.
  • Writing for websites is a whole different animal than writing for the non-digital world – like novels, short stories, essays, and print publications.
  • Fresh eyes and fresh ideas for your website content is never ever a bad thing.
  • If you don’t have an endless budget for paid advertising, you’ll definitely need to think about SEO. SEO even plays a role in pay-per-clicks. So, investing in professional content writing services is crucial for search engine rankings.
  • Content writers and marketers also understand the role trustworthiness plays in rankings and can ensure that your website isn’t overlooked or downgraded due to poorly written pages.
  • Regular, fresh content is also critical for your site to maintain relevancy. If you don’t have all the time in the world, content writing services will ensure that you always have something new to say to stay in the game.
Did You Know?
Researchers note that website visitors decide in the first 10-20 seconds whether to leave or stay.

AI’s Role in Professional Content Writing Services

AI can be a powerful tool to assist in content writing services. Here’s how:

  • Research and Content Generation: AI can crawl vast amounts of data to gather information relevant to your topic. It can then use this data to generate outlines, draft initial content sections, and suggest keywords to optimize your content.
  • Content Improvement: AI can analyze your writing for clarity, grammar, and style. It can also suggest improvements to sentence structure, word choice, and overall flow.
  • Personalization: AI can personalize content for different audience segments. This can involve tailoring the tone, vocabulary, and examples to resonate better with specific demographics or interests.

By leveraging AI’s capabilities, content writers can become more efficient and effective. Remember, AI is a tool, and the best results come from collaboration.

Content Writing Services for the Win

content writing services for the winContent writing services, then, are more than just a luxury, a nice perk like a seat upgrade. They are crucial to successful marketing strategies and campaigns.

While you may understand that a website is a necessity in the 21st century,  you can’t just churn out any ol’ site and think that the quality of your product or service will outweigh poor design, poor functionality, and mediocre content. 

Nope. Users have super short attention spans and they are very demanding. If you don’t have what they’re looking for in the way they are looking for it, then there are plenty of other websites they can visit.

Let’s face it, your competition is probably using professional content writing services. If they’re not, you’ll set yourself miles ahead by doing so. 

And don’t think that your business is too small to take advantage of these services. Professional design, development, and content marketing are not unattainable. Yours truly offers lots of integrated website maintenance and digital marketing plans that are effective for all types and sizes of organizations.

Let’s talk about it! Connect with Ironistic, so we can discuss the future of your online platform and how we can amplify your brand and increase value with content writing services…and more!

Learn More About Our Content Writing Services


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