Marketing Goals and Business Objectives Examples

Hint: Keep Them Measurable!

Setting measurable online marketing goals is an important step in planning your business marketing strategy. I often have clients come to me and say they want to increase sales, or get more Email signups, or book more events. Well, yes. Of course! However, once you know what your online goals are, it is important to take it a step further by defining specific measurable goals so you can measure the successes or failures of marketing efforts. One of the many beautiful things about digital marketing is the data we collect to measure the results.

At Ironistic, we typically set measurable goals for a year at a time for our clients. If we have historical data, we will set measurable goals to compare the current year to the year previous. The majority of marketing goals we set are to increase ____ by __%. Comparing year over year data is preferred because it allows you to account for seasonal changes as well as base your goals on trends from years past. Some goals are better measured by reaching for a specific number of something within the next year. For example, you might currently have 130 Facebook followers and your goal is to reach 500 Facebook followers. Since there is no easy way to measure year-over-year data and Facebook users can follow or unfollow your business page, we would typically set a goal to hit a certain number by a specific date.

If your business is new and you have no historical data for us to base your goals on, we will use any data and information that we do have, and we set goals based on our level of engagement in ongoing marketing efforts and what we feel is realistic for your specific business considering the industry and your placement. Based on the goals we set, we create custom dashboards in Google Analytics and pull data from a few other software. We track all goals on a monthly and year-to-date basis in our monthly marketing reports. This gives us and the client a clear picture of the status throughout the year. If we see that some goals are not performing as we had hoped, we can make adjustments as needed within our marketing strategy.

Setting your goals

Examples of Business Objectives & Good Marketing Goals

Business Objective: drive more online sales
Measurable Marketing Goal: increase online revenue by __%

Business Objective: rank higher in Google search results
Measurable Marketing Goal: increase Google organic visits by __%

Business Objective: book more events
Measurable Marketing Goal: increase online event bookings by __%

Business Objective: get more newsletter subscribers
Measurable Marketing Goal: reach __ newsletter signups through the website

Business Objective: become more popular in Social Media
Measurable Marketing Goals: reach __ Facebook followers. Reach __ Facebook post impressions. Reach __ post interactions (likes, shares comments). Reach __ Twitter followers. Reach __ Retweets. Reach __ LinkedIn page followers…. You get my point.

Without setting measurable goals, you will not be able to determine if the goals you have are realistic for following years. You would not be able to see which parts of your business strategy are thriving and which are falling short.

Stay tuned for my future rambling on how to prioritize marketing tactics that are in line with your marketing goals and business objectives. In the meantime, if you haven’t done so already, sit down and take some time to examine what your overarching business objectives are and work on setting some measurable goals for your marketing efforts. Oh, and one more thing, make sure to check out my Ultimate List of Conversion Rate Optimization Tips as well!


There are currently 2 responses.

July 15, 2015

Great article! I Really liked how you showed the examples of business objectives.


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