Category: Marketing

LinkedIn Profile Best Practices: Marketing Strategies for You & Your Business

“Networking is not about just connecting people. It’s about connecting people with people, people with ideas, and people with opportunities.” — Michele Jennae What did people and businesses do before LinkedIn? LinkedIn has ushered in a golden age of networking, recommendations, job sourcing, talent sourcing, and brand awareness all in one platform. While LinkedIn has […]

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Strategy and Tips for Email Marketing and Why It Is Important

Integrated digital marketing strategies are a cornerstone of business outreach and brand-building. The good ol’ days of door-to-door salesmen, snail-mail flyers, glitzy highway billboards, and 30-second radio ads can’t cut it alone anymore. We live and breathe the internet. If we’re not Googling away on our desktops/laptops, we’re happily browsing on mobile – not to […]

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Why Are Images Important on a Website?

You’ve probably heard the old adage, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Regardless, the majority of people – at least initially – do it anyway. With the prolific growth of online shopping, social media, and online advertising, this standard has really become just words in the wind. Images are more important than ever. But […]

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The Nitty Gritty of Software as a Service (SaaS)

With all its applications and benefits, it’s not hard to see why. In fact, the latest stats show that companies with over 1,000 employees use over 100 SaaS platforms. Even smaller companies, with under 50 employees, still use at least 16 SaaS applications. 

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Inspiration for Your Holiday Digital Marketing

Yes, it is October, and that means it’s crunch time to start planning, initiating, and executing your seasonal marketing strategies. We aren’t going to lie to you – you probably should have started working on ideas a couple of months ago, but now there’s no time to waste! So, here are 9 ideas for your holiday digital marketing that can help increase sales – and boost your brand.

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How to Choose the Best Digital Advertising Platforms

Every business needs to build its brand and get its message across to its audiences. An online marketing platform combines the benefits of a business directory, local search engine, search engine optimization, customer relationship management, and content management systems.  So, how do you choose the best digital advertising platform for your specific needs and goals? […]

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The Power of Link Building: How to Get Backlinks

Building backlinks for your website is an integral part of gaining more visitors onto your site, and essentially more customers. If your website is ranking for keywords on the top pages of Google, but still not performing well, you may not have established a strong backlink profile yet. Doing so will take time and strategy. […]

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How to Upgrade to GA4 & Prepare for the End of Universal Analytics

On Wednesday, March 16th, 2022, Google announced in a blog post that their Universal Analytics (UA) will begin its sunset in the summer of 2023. Stating that after the sunset, UA will no longer be tracking website traffic data for all Google Analytics (UA) accounts. Google Analytics is extremely important for tracking the [...]

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