Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office

The Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office strives to improve safety and law enforcement services to everyone in their community through the Step-Up Strategy of improved service, technology, efficiency, and professionalism. They came to Ironistic for a recruitment website that would echo that same strategy.

Loudoun County Sheriff's Office Website
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Meet Our Client

Meet Our Client

Loudon County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) is the largest, full-service Sheriff’s Office in Virginia with approximately 800 employees (600 sworn deputies and 200 civilian staff). They are responsible for a broad scope of law enforcement functions such as field operations, corrections, courthouse, and civilian.

They pride themselves on having a community-oriented style of policing – which is also a focus for the recruiting and hiring of new officers. They are a 2018 Model Agency of the Year, a member of Virginia Values Veterans, and a leader in Crisis Intervention Training. LCSO strives to make their current and future employees feel part of a tight-knit community with a mission and a purpose: fairly enforcing laws, engaging in proactive outreach, and improving the quality of life for the citizens that they serve.

Loudoun County Sheriff's Office Logo
Their Objectives

Their Objectives

The main goal of this website is recruiting high-quality candidates for LCSO. They needed a fully-functioning, mobile-friendly website that would effectively showcase LCSO as a great place to work – and serve.

Other objectives included:  

  • Providing potential and current audience members with easily-accessible information about the LCSO culture.
  • Enhancing the user experience by creating an intuitive website navigation, supported by strategically-placed “Apply Now” calls-to-action. 
  • Highlighting the community-oriented aspect and mission of LCSO through dynamic imagery and content.
  • Empowering LCSO’s staff to easily manage the content throughout the website, including pages, links, images, documents, and more.

Ironistic's Solution

Ironistic's Solution

Carefully planning the digital strategy step by step was number one. For a site like this with a singular purpose of recruiting qualified candidates, every page, every pathway, and every piece of content had to contribute to that objective. 

Then, came the execution. Navigation for user intent and ideal conversions was the foundation of our design and development process. We created a robust home page with a vertical scroll that highlights every important piece of information prospective candidates may want to know, and it provides access points to more resources.

Those resources, the interior pages, are carefully designed with captivating images and well-organized content. Videos are offered on most pages, which research proves is a heavily-utilized resource for organizations. Graphic images are also used to highlight the most important facts for areas like career options and steps in the application process. We also incorporated an Events page for any in-person recruitment activities. 

Throughout the content and images, the mission and importance of community is emphasized and accentuated. Plus, clear CTAs for speaking with a recruiter or “Applying Now” are always within easy reach.

The WordPress CMS we implemented is dynamic and user-friendly, and it allows LCSO staff to manage and update the site while Ironistic continues to provide hosting and maintenance services. That means we’re always on hand to help when needed!

Their Results

Their Results

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