Curriculum HQ

The Collaborative for Student Success is a national, non-profit organization that promotes high standards, high-quality assessments, and strong accountability so students can be better prepared for college and careers. CurriculumHQ is their latest venture, and as past partners of this advocacy group, we were happy to assist them again with an impactful website.

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Meet Our Client

Meet Our Client

CurriculumHQ is a project of the Collaborative for Student Success, and it aims to provide K-12 educators, local and state policymakers, and parents with information about the availability and quality of curriculum within each state. This is in keeping with The Collaborative’s overall mission of advancing fact-based, public discourse and fighting for policies that promote best practices and ensure equitable outcomes for all students.

They have some great advocates that support their objectives including the Bloomberg Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Walton Family Foundation, and the Carnegie Corporation of New York.



Curriculum HQ logo
Their Objectives

Their Objectives

The primary purpose of the CurriculumHQ site is to build awareness of the quality and availability of curriculum materials offered within districts and states. Beyond creating an informative website for its audience, The Collaborative wanted to use it as a tool of empowerment, so that users could easily champion for the widespread adoption of high-quality instructional materials. 

To support these goals they wanted to create a modern, intuitive, mobile-friendly site that could be easily managed and updated as needed, and they wanted strong calls-to-action (CTAs) implemented throughout.

Curriculum HQ website
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Ironistic's Solution

Ironistic's Solution

Ironistic built an engaging, vibrant website with clear-cut navigation that provides easy access to a myriad of resources. CurriculumHQ offers so much information regarding state and local education progress, news by state, access to curriculum reviews, how to implement high-quality materials, and an insightful blog that covers related stories and commentary. 

We incorporated several CTAs throughout for people to advocate for better curriculum materials in their locales, to stay in the know via email, and to contact CurriculumHQ with any questions. Videos, infographics, and interactive maps make it easy for users to access the information and data that they are looking for.

Ironistic also provides integrated digital marketing, website maintenance and hosting services on a continuing basis for our client.

Curriculum HQ website
Their Results

Their Results

We’re pleased to report that the site is a huge hit with our client. They love the look and how easy it is to manage. Check it out!

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