Choice One Community
Credit Union

In this day and age, you need a modern, mobile-friendly website to attract potential customers, keep them engaged, and get them to convert. Choice One Community Credit Union knew this to be true which is why they came to Ironistic to get the job done.

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Meet Our Client

Meet Our Client

Choice One Community Credit Union is a Pennsylvania mainstay, serving over 13,000 members throughout the state. Their primary focus is offering a superior level of customer service by demonstrating responsiveness and detailed attention to each member. They help their members by providing competitive rates, a variety of banking services and solid financial advice.

Choice One website
Their Objectives

Their Objectives

Often, an issue with credit union brands is their modern appeal to younger generations. Choice One understood that in order to attract a broader member base, they needed to upgrade their online services and style them for a mobile, tech-savvy audience. By modernizing their digital presence, they hoped to increase the number of online member applications, loan applications and credit card applications.

Choice One website
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Ironistic's Solution

Ironistic's Solution

Ironistic has a solid track record of working with credit unions and their industry-specific needs. That’s why we were a perfect partner for this job. We understood what Choice One’s objectives were and how to successfully implement them.

Since a majority of the target audience do their banking on the go, we started with a mobile-first design. This meant a clean, simple, and easy-to-use interface. We eliminated distractions and heavy content in favor of navigable icons and streamlined data. From there, we overhauled their website, implementing an accordion-style menu along with a bottom, “Explore” menu to make moving through the site a breeze. Smartly-placed call-to-actions (CTAs) also prompt users toward end goals.

Important, too, for Choice One, was that their site could evolve with future growth. We ensured that new content could easily be added while maintaining a unified and coherent design. Online strategy for the long haul – another plus of going with Ironistic. We can help you with your vision for now and for the future. Contact us today.

Choice One website
Their Results

Their Results

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